Sunday, July 11, 2021

Check this cardiovascular system

 Cardiovascular system 


Check your score:

1. This is the reason why the SA node acts as heart’s pacemaker

(a) because it has a poor cholinergic innervation

(b) because it has a rich sympathetic innervation

(c) because of its capability of generating impulses

(d) because it generates impulses at the highest rate


2. This about second heart sound is incorrect

(a) it is occasionally split

(b) it is due to the closure of semi-lunar valves

(c) indicates the commencement of diastole

(d) it has a longer duration than the first sound

3. The reason for the dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is

(a) contraction of aorta

(b) closure of the aortic valve

(c) rapid filling of the left ventricle

(d) closure of the pulmonary valve

4. Rise in the carotid sinus pressure leads to

(a) reflex hypercritical

(b) reflex hyperplane

(c) reflex bradycardia

(d) reflex tachycardia

5. Peripheral vascular resistance can be best given by

(a) pulse pressure as it corresponds to aortic compliance and stroke volume

(b) mean arterial pressure as it supplies blood to organs

(c) diastolic blood pressure as it leads to the decrease till mid-thoracic aorta

(d) systolic pressure as it causes an increase in the descending aorta

6. Duration of the absolute period, i.e., when the whole of heart is in diastole is

(a) 0.2 seconds

(b) 0.1 seconds

(c) 0.4 seconds

(d) 0.7 seconds

7. This sets glomerular capillary pressure apart from other capillaries found in the body

(a) Lower filtration pressure

(b) Higher filtration pressure

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) none of these

8. The ventricular muscles accepts impulses directly from

(a) AV node

(b) Bundle of His

(c) Right and left bundle branches

(d) Purkinje system

9. This is the similarity between pulmonary and systemic circulation

(a) total capacity

(b) pulse pressure

(c) peripheral vascular resistance

(d) volume of the circulation per minute

10. On the heart, the impact of adrenaline is all of these except that

(a) it increases the uptake of oxygen by the heart

(b) it increases the contraction force

(c) it decreases the myocardial irritability

(d) it increases the heart rate 


1.d  2.d   3.b   4.c   5.c  6.a  7.b   8.d   9.d   10.c


Monday, April 19, 2021

WHAT is the scientific name of vitamin ??

 Scientific Name of vitamin 

Vitamin A                (Fat-soluble)


Vitamin B1      (Water-soluble)


Vitamin B2               (Water-soluble)


Vitamin B3             (Water-soluble)


Vitamin B5            (Water-soluble)

Pantothenic Acid

Vitamin B6          (Water-soluble)


Vitamin B7           (Water-soluble)


Vitamin B9 (Water-soluble)

Folic Acid

Vitamin B12         (Water-soluble)


Vitamin C (Water-soluble)

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin D (Fat-soluble)


Vitamin E (Fat-soluble)


Vitamin K (Fat-soluble)



Do the avian species have sizable penis ?


   Do the avian species have sizable penis ?

Out of avian species only duck and ostries have the sizable penis of their male . male bird of other poultry species do not have sizable penis however they have copulatory orgag which is called papillae .

                               pic:  male oestries genitle part

Most male birds, including chicken and quail, have no penises, but ducks and geese have coiled penises that can measure up to 9 inches in length. These retract when not in use.

                               pic:male genitale part of duck

World best ranked veterinary collage.

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